Touchless NanoFoam Premium BD50 - 500ml
NanoFoam WarriorsTHe Touchless NanoFoam Premium BD50 is a concentrated alkaline foram pre-wash agent that has been specially formulated for all types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, buses, earth moving equipment and Boats. . Its high foam concentrate and soaking power deliver excellent cleaning performance.
It is mild on light metals, rubber and plastic spare parts. Has a slight perfume odour.
Dosing: 3-5 %.
Simply foam the vehicle with the MTM HYdro Foam Cannon or similar, wait for 3-4 minutes, the high pressure wash with clean water. No scubbing, no scratching, save time.
For best results use the MTMHydro Foam Cannon also available on this website. Add 150-200ml of the BD50 into the PF22 MTM Hydro Foam Cannon i litre Bottle (150ml BD 50 and 750 ml Water). Adjust the knob on the PF 22 Foam Cannon until you get the correct foam conistency.
The 1l bottle on the foam cannon should allow you to foam 4-5 standard Sedan Cars, or 12 washes per 500ml bottle of BD50.